80% to 90% of web traffic originates from Google, Yahoo and Bing Search Engines.
70% to 80% of people using Google, Yahoo or Bing search engines do not search beyond the first page of results when seeking a website responsive to their search query.
A position on the first page of Google search results is critical to creating a meaningful number of unique visitors.
According to Forester Research and Georgia Tech’s GVU Center User Surveys, more than 80% of web users locate websites by way of a search engine.
Surveys indicate only 7% of searchers go beyond the third page of listings, generally the top 30 results.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO), i.e. optimal natural or organic search placement, represents the most cost effective, long term, broad based method of web advertising and marketing.
Without Search Engine Optimization you are quite likely neglecting up to 85% of potential visitors to your site.
According to Statistical Research, Inc. each day 57% of web users search the Internet, which makes search the second most popular Internet activity after e-mail.
If your website is not a top 30 search result, your site will probably never be visited in response to a web search.
For Internet users search engines and web directories are the primary method of locating information on-line.