SEO Tampa is on Google+

Google finally released Google+ for business a couple of days ago. I hope Google+ for business will be a huge success and it will catch up the Facebook popularity really quick. We have already put together a first revision of the Google+ local business page for SEO Tampa. Please visit our g+ page, follow us  and …

Google Analytics Gets Webmaster Tools SEO Queries Data

The Webmaster Central Blog has finally announced availability of the Search Engine Optimization reports in Google Analytics. This data will be available based on the information off the Webmaster Tools. At this time Google will provide the following three reports: Queries: impressions, clicks, position, and CTR info for the top 1,000 daily queries Landing Pages: impressions, clicks, …

Why Facebook pages could be the quick way to win traffic from rivals

Facebook and other social media are often scorned by website owners unless they are going to help with the SEO of their main pages. One thing many marketing managers don’t like to see is their Facebook page appearing top for their Brand name in Google above their main website. Facebook have no follow external links, …

Are SEO Experts Any Closer to Understanding The Google Panda Update

It is several months since the Google Panda update and still people can’t agree what the changes mean. Does it mean a new type of SEO and that everything done to date is wasted? Or, as many think, does it mean that quality content, that the best SEO experts have always recommended, is now absolutely …

Google is Finally a Teenager

Google has reached 13, a teenager finally!  Happy Birthday Google!  What would we do without you?   read this nice article:

Why you are suffering the Google Sandbox effect and how to get out

There are a couple of ways Google can ruin your visitor numbers and potentially ruin your business. These are a new algorithm and the sandbox effect, either can completely remove your links but is unlikely to do this and  may just negatively effect your rankings. With an algorithm change the way Google ranks all sites …