Why Your Bottom Line Can’t Afford for you to Ignore SEO

When you try to make a case for SEO, you’ll often encounter common objections like it’s unpredictable, takes too long, or PPC is better. Many people also believe that its financial benefits aren’t as good as what you’d reap with social media or PPC. However, the truth is it’s very measurable and typically a better …

Important Steps not to Overlook Prior to Keyword Research

Although many people base their SEO strategies on researching SEO keywords, it’s a mistake to do so. While this will lead to measurable results, you won’t run a very efficient website this way. Instead, you need to learn to conduct pre-research – gathering information about your topic, including keywords, so you have a solid understanding …

Defining Negative SEO

Everyone who owns a business knows that their online presence is significant. This relies heavily on SEO to get you to the top of the SERPs pages where people will start to take notice of who you are and what you offer. One thing people don’t realize though is that SEO falls into two categories …

How to use SEO to Improve Your Conversion Rates

SEO optimization and website conversion rate optimization are at war today as experts strive to make the two disciplines strive to make them work together. The main difference is that the first discipline is geared towards the search engines while the other is geared towards higher conversions. Very few sites can successfully combine both into …