SEO is continually changing. As a business, it’s important for you to stay ahead of your competition but this means you must first be aware of what they’re doing. With the start of a new year there are some SEO trends you simply don’t want to overlook. Mobile First Indexing We’re seeing more people use …
3 Tips for Improving Your Website’s Technical SEO
While everyone else fights over search relevancy, you can use technical search to improve your website’s crawlability, usability, indexing, and rankings. However, if you really want this to work, you must set goals and understand what your priorities are so you can reach these goals. Indexing and Crawlability Help Google index your pages so they …
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Why you Must Understand Intent When Working with SEO
SEO is exciting because it never stops changing. Google’s algorithm updates, new search innovations, and changes in user behavior means we must be adaptable to be successful. This doesn’t mean we should forego the basics while chasing after new strategies. Instead, there’s a process you must undertake here. Optimizing for Intent The foundation of a …
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