Anyone who remembers the early days of the web remembers that pages loaded slowly if they had anything on them other than just plain code and text. As one webmaster after another tried to outdo one another, pages loaded slower, but the bandwidth thresholds kept being broken allowing for more bells and whistles to be …
Google And The Future Of SEO
Google has come out with guns lazing when it comes to search engine technology and that means in the near future the way searches are conducted and displayed will be far more efficient and fortunately spell doom for spammers, irresponsible webmasters and marketers, and cheap, unprofessional content. Their first line of defense is the recent …
Ramping Up AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) For SEO
AMP or (Accelerated Mobile Pages), now has a friend in Google that is listing the pages in its organic search results. AMPs are easily found with an icon next to result featuring a lightning bolt. The reason for the boost in AMPs is because of the massive expansion of mobile devices globally. If one doesn’t …
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Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The AMPs Are Coming!
SEO professionals and webmasters knew it was going to happen. They tried to prepare themselves. They saw it rising over the horizon but nothing mankind could do could stop the domination of the AMP from Google! AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is an advanced method of getting better performance from webpages listed on Google. Google had …