Google to improve anti-spam filtering

Spamming is deferentially not cool these days.

Despite Google is working hard on eliminating spam pages off the search results once in a while spammers can get break though the defense line.  Matt Cutts,  Google’s principal engineer says in the Google Blog “have seen a slight uptick of spam in recent months, and while we’ve already made progress, we have new efforts underway to continue to improve our search quality”.

A new Google “document-level classifier” will make it harder for “spammy on-page content to rank highly”.  Google also has improved the ability to detected hacked sites, which according to Google where the major source of spam in 2010.

Another form of spam is “content farms”, sites with shallow or low quality content. Google has started to work on improving algorithms to help filter out law-quality sites.

Google also want you to know a few things about Google Ads:

  • Google absolutely takes action on sites that violate our quality guidelines regardless of whether they have ads powered by Google;
  • Displaying Google ads does not help a site’s rankings in Google; and
  • Buying Google ads does not increase a site’s rankings in Google’s search results.