People try to do SEO on their own and some are pros and some aren’t. There are those that apply SEO ethically and some that do not. Knowing the inside and outside of SEO is a major plus in today’s need for website traffic and knowing what Google penalizes you for is the first step.

First of all don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Google’s algorithms change often but there are certain fundamentals that remain stable. It’s because of so many people and companies that try to fool Google and don’t do SEO properly. There’s always someone trying to outwit Google and goof up things for everyone else. They’ll pepper the web with their silly and contrived websites loaded with keywords and keyphrases in total disregard for SEO. They’ll have irresponsible backlinking and all sorts of things that are despicable to say the least. When Google finally busts them they end up getting penalized so badly that they have to start all over again.
The regular people doing SEO can often fall into these traps by buying SEO courses or attending webinars that aren’t all that reputable. They’ll apply these techniques and then Google comes down on them like a pile of bricks. This is why people need to study SEO from official Google and Bing sites. There are plenty of tutorials and forums around where ethical approaches can be found. The process now involves a methodical application of scanning a website and its associated sites like reviews, testimonials, and fans.
There are other criteria but Google and the other search engines keep these close to their chests. It’s because if they were uncovered the balance of power would shift drastically. People rely on Google for that traffic and having the right SEO approach.
Remember, trying to circumvent the ethical approach to SEO means sooner or later you’ll get slammed by the search engines and if you’re representing a client and their traffic drops and their sites get booted you can find yourself sitting in court answering a lot of questions you don’t want to answer. It’s because no one likes a crook and although puffing up your website and doing SEO unethically isn’t a crime, it is a misrepresentation and underhanded to say the least.
Yes there’s competition and there are so many experts out there but that doesn’t mean you have to stoop to the level they do to get over. Their path leads to major losses in capital and reputation they won’t get out of it anytime soon. So keep your chin up and study from the honorable SEO experts and you’ll do alright.
Now that’s been said it’s time to move on to studying SEO and seeing what you come up with. You may well find that you’ll find a way to optimize your SEO that others haven’t come up with and put you way out on top. That’s what’s cool with SEO. You can stand on the fundamentals and experiment and come up with something new and improved. It’s just a matter of getting in there with the right professional attitude.