Knowing If You’ve Got The Right SEO Agency

Knowing If You've Got The Right SEO AgencySEO or Search Engine Optimization is a vital part of today’s internet marketing.  In regard to all the rumors about SEO, it’s still alive and kicking and getting the right SEO company and SEO consultant means you need to know what to look for.  We’ll look at some important points that you should be aware of.

First of all, look to see is your SEO company is open to communication.  They need to provide extensive consultation about what they’re doing and what is going on.  If they hesitate or go into chatter that makes no sense then you’re dealing with a  company that isn’t being upfront and honest.  Your life’s blood online means you’ll need quality SEO service and any consultant that isn’t clear and up front is going to damage your chances and reputation.  Ask up front what kind of consultation they’ll do and make them stick to it.  If they hesitate one iota then it’s time to look for another company.

They’re not on the ball regarding the latest search engine algorithms

Any SEO company knows the importance of keeping on top of the latest search engine algorithms.  Not being aware of the ever changing frontier of what the search engines are doing can spell doom for your website’s rankings and affect sales.  The search engines are always trying to improve their results to get rid of spam and so on and that means tweaking their algorithms constantly.  If your SEO company can’t tell you that they aren’t on top of what’s going on, then you’re dealing with gross negligence or just plain fraud.  You need to do some studying on your own.  Perhaps read the SE sites that focus on the latest breaking news regarding algorithms and ask your SEO consultant about it.  If they’re cheerful and up front, they’re the company to stick with.  If not, get rid of them.

Sloppy Linkbuilding Strategies

Link building is a process by which an SEO company provides inbound links to your website.  The strategy here is that the SE’s look at how many relevant links are pointing to your site.  This was a major strategy for years but it’s waning because the SE’s are aware of link building farms whereby fraudulent and irrelevant links are pushed to get a website up the rankings.  Some SEO companies specialize in this sloppy kind of practice and in the long term or short term it can damage your rankings and reputation.  Ask your SEO consultant about link building and how to do it honestly with live, relevant links from reputable sources.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line here is that a reputable SEO company will be a clear, up front agency that explains things along the way, won’t leave you after you’ve paid, and will follow up with you down the road.  It’s a courtesy and professional process that you need to be aware of from the first step.  Don’t think that link building or SEO are the only saving graces to good SE rankings.  Great, original content and well designed sites with updates, pics, and relevant information also come into play.  Build a great site and get a reputable SEO consultant and you’ll do well.