Your Own Custom Search Engine in Minutes

Google Webmaster Blog
Picture credit: Google

Great post on Google Webmaster Central Blog yesterday [10/12/2011]. It seems that it may take just a few minutes to create Google Google-powered customized search experiences for your sites.You can search over one or more sites, customize the look and feel to match your site, and even make money with AdSense for Search. Now it’s even easier to get started directly from Webmaster Tools.

Here is link if you are ready to start  creating your own Custom Search Engine.

If you’ve never created a CSE, just click on the “Custom Search” link in the Labs section and we’ll automatically create a default CSE that searches just your site. You can do some basic configuring or immediately get the code snippet to add your new CSE to your site. You can always continue on to the full CSE control panel for more advanced settings.  Read more …