Just came across a good looking website (http://www.epicshirtmakers.com) where you can create your own custom dress shirt online in just 3 steps:
1) Pick Your Fabric
2) Pick Your Styling
3) Get Your Sizing
Convenience from anywhere. All it takes is 5 minutes to order your EPIC custom shirt. Build Your Custom Shirt With Our EPIC WIZARD™.

It isn’t that men don’t care how they look but when shopping for clothes many guys are much more functional shoppers than women. This means that in a clothes store a lot of guys will choose a shirt with the right collar size and buy it, they will give little thought to any other dimensions: even if they did though it is very difficult to find a shirt that fits perfectly on the neck, chest, waist and arms. If you are a slightly odd shape especially you may find it especially difficult to find a shirt, this includes people who are tall and skinny or people who are fairly average but have large biceps or a thick neck. read more …