The Google SEO Algorithm and Exact Match Domains

Affordable SEO & Google Algorithms Google is always changing how they display search results on their search engine. These constant modifications are what make Google so great. They are always changing, always looking for ways to do things better. Still, they just recently announced that they will be changing their SEO algorithm once again in an effort to cut back on the number of “exact-match” domain names that are of low quality and rank highly in the search results.

The algorithm change will prevent these domains from showing up very high. This change is expected to change just .6% of search results on U.S. queries, says the current head of Google, Matt Cutts. This new change isn’t a part of the comprehensive overhauls that were performed a bit ago. They were called Panda and Penguin and weeded out poor content and spam, respectively.

In some cases, really poor quality sites rank highly and it’s not entirely certain why this happens. These changes are to be rolled out very soon so it is likely you will see sites that use to rank very high with an exact match domain not ranking high anymore. The new SEO algorithm is designed to help level the playing field a little bit and ensure only relevant site right five.

This won’t knock out every exact match domain name from the top of search results. That would be ridiculous because there are many sites with an exact match domain that has completely relevant content and maintains high-quality. These changes were designed to weed out those sites that are taking advantage of keywords to rank highly without having the content to back it up.

This will not punish sites that have good content and keywords that match their content or services. This will only punish sites that have an exact match domain but don’t offer anything really useful to visitors. People have been trying to take advantage of search results since the dawn of the web. Google has managed to set themselves apart by always keeping up with the latest trends and creating new algorithms to maintain the integrity of their search results. That’s why Google has become a verb and why their SEO algorithm is something people try to figure out on a daily basis. How you fare in search results can make or break your business, so it’s a good idea to pay attention to these changes.