When you want to have a highly effective website, there are some SEO and SEM practices that you can incorporate into your website to ensure it performs well and that it converts visitors into customers the way you want it to. The following are tips that can help you better succeed at improved rankings.
Disavow Tool
Disavow tool helps you clean up bad SEO. Perhaps you have done everything you can to get all of your bad links off of the web. When you have exhausted your efforts or you want to keep bad links from leading to your site, it is good to use the disavow tool. Even if you don’t have a message in your webmaster console telling you to do so, go ahead and do it. When you use this tool, you are telling Google to not take those links into account when they are assessing your website.
The first step to doing this is to download a list of links that are leading to your site. You do this from the Webmaster Tools home page under “search Traffic” and then “Links to Your Site.” You can see who links the most and then “download more sample links.” From there, you will simply add the links that you want Google to ignore. Once you do this, it can take a few weeks and this means you may not see the results reflected in your list of incoming links until Google does a recrawl.
Meta Descriptions
Meta tags have been a common SEO and SEM practice for quite some time. However, there are questions about their importance. The fact is, it is not necessary to have a unique meta tag description for every page, especially if the page is not a really important page. The home page, featured products, and other important pages should have meta descriptions.
Forum Signature Links
If you frequent forums and you place links to your website in your signature line, the Google Webmaster Guidelines actually discourage against this. The reason is because the content in the post may not be relevant to the content on the website. At one time, this was an SEM practice that was popular. However, you can leave a link in a comment itself when that comment is relevant to your website. Just make sure the comments are organic and that can make for a good SEO or SEM practice.