Link Building Is A Whole Other Game Nowadays

The link building strategies of yore no longer hold water anymore.  Well a bit of it does, but the game has changed drastically.

No longer can a website put up links to anyone and anywhere and have reciprocal links from anyone and anywhere.  Google’s software is getting better every day detecting links that are bogus and only there for pushing a site up the ranks.  This is where the fundamentals come into play.  The old way of link building is out the window but those who built links that are pertinent, engaging, and relevant are ruling the day.

The smart and ethical marketer and webmaster is on top of the pile nowadays and the results are pouring in to validate this.  There are present day strategies that support the smart and ethical way to do things.  This is putting a lot of SEO marketers out of business.  SEO is expensive.  It can cost a company several hundred dollars to many thousands of dollars a month to keep a website campaign going.  You want your invested SEO dollar to go toward success not failure.

First of all, optimize the site the right way.  Clear, well laid out design.  A site map and navigation that doesn’t confuse the surfer nor the search engine spiders.  Well written and engaging copy.  Hire someone to do the copywriting who knows SEO.  The content should also be relevant and engaging, with links to solid references, useful data that the surfer can rely on.  This shows the search engines that you’re dedicated to service and not just trying to take advantage.

Get your site mobile friendly and do so quick.  Mobile SEO is on the rise like a fireball, and Google helps along the way to get you to get your site mobile friendly.  Mobile is catching up on if not surpassing traditional computers and laptops and with the burst in traffic and sales revenue generated from the mobile market, getting your mobile SEO on with your link building isn’t a suggestion, it’s a warning for survival.

Social media is also something to think about.  Mix links with social media or you’re missing out on great opportunities.  This may take some doing but the odds of something going viral are increased.  Not only that, but getting links from and to relevant social media venues will make you look much better and more authoritative.  Just make sure your linking is relevant and useful.

Your brand name and contact info are exceptionally important here.  Google will look for your brand name and see where it’s associated and for what.  If you own an aquarium shop but your brand name is found on a tennis equipment site, it just won’t hold water and you can be penalized.

Make your site interactive to a degree but don’t overdo it.  Give the site something to make surfers want to engage, return, and share.  Videos are great for this especially if you have links in the video to discounts or special offers.  People will share with friends and if you have an affiliate program, more the better.

Finally, get that content fresh and updated.  Don’t just rest on your laurels.  SEO and link building take time to see results and only perseverance can keep or increase the gains.

Being honest, realistic, and diligent is the game plan here.