Kinds Of SEO Backlinks You Need To Know

High-quality backlinksIn the search engine world, SEO backlinks are used by Google to determine if a website will rise above its competition or sink below. Some may refer to these links as inbound links, while others call them incoming or one-way links. Whatever you decide to call them, these links can be clicked on, so one may go from one website to another.

Some will view SEO backlinks as a “vote” in determining how credible the content is. Thus, the more backlinks you have, the more popular your content will be in the eyes of search engines. This ranking factor has been around for quite some time, and PageRank, Google’s own algorithm, was produced using backlinks.

High-quality backlinks are the only kind of SEO backlinks you should be looking for. Quality over quantity is what counts here. You could have 200 poor-quality backlinks and still rank lower than a site that has only 2 high-quality backlinks.

There are various kinds of SEO backlinks that have different measures of importance. Any of them can take your SEO plan further than if no backlinks were used.

  1. Editorial Backlinks are formed when your content is used as a source of information. This kind of content should permit others to see your site as a leader and as an established brand.
  2. Guest Post Backlinks are a tremendous way to put your site out there. High-quality is the best kind of sites to look for when linking to these.
  3. Webinar Backlinks are extremely useful when it comes to having others find out about what your company does. Many will not only mention your site but will also provide a bit of info about your business.
  4. Business Profile Backlinks allow the search engines to see that your website has been around for a while. These are easy to obtain, as when you sign up for a social media account, be sure to list your business website.
  5. Guest Post Bio Links Backlinks will allow you a link even if the guest post does not allow one in many cases. Take note that these links are not linked to any content but are still extremely useful.
  6. Badge Backlinks are given to businesses when they have exceptional performance. If a website displays your badge, a link is given back to your site.
  7. Free Tool Backlinks allow you to give something away for free in return for a link back to your site. This could be a free app on your site or perhaps a calculator related to your industry(such as a calorie calculator or a paint calculator).
  8. Comment Backlinks are valuable when not used as spam. Find a blog article related to your business, then leave a relevant comment linking to your website. For example, if your website pertains to woman’s shoes, look for a blog about shoes rather than leaving a comment on a dog-themed blog.
  9. Acknowledgement Backlinks are used when a business supports something, such as an event.

When looking at backlinks, be sure that they are coming from sites that have high authority. Links should be do-follow, as Google will ignore those that have no-follow links. Strive to maintain 40 to 60 backlinks per month.

If you are interested in SEO backlinks for your site but are worried about not finding high-quality links, contact Affordable SEO Company Tampa in Clearwater, FL. They can assist you in setting up an effective SEO strategy plan to reach the most customers for your business.