Negative SEO is not something new as I think it has been used for a number of years. These days Google search engine updates (Penguin and Panda) have made search engine filtering more sophisticated and at the same time it has made Negative SEO more efficient and easy implemented. More and more cases of Negative SEO have been seen lately. That’s why I find that it’s very important to know how to protect your website from the Negative SEO and how to remediate effects of Negative SEO.
Okey let’s start. First thing first. What is the Negative SEO?
The term “Negative SEO” is pretty much self explanatory. However I will try to explain it in layman terms.
Negative SEO is a black hat SEO technique that leads to downgrading a website ranking (SERP) for lead keywords and may also lead to the website ban or to even placing a website into the “sand box“.
If your website is affected by Negative SEO (and we will talk later about how to recognize that) then most likely it’s done by your competition.
It does not take too much time nor knowledge in white hat SEO to apply Negative SEO to a website you don’t appreciate. There is a number of companies with roots most likely outside of the US which offer Negative SEO services.
To be continued …