Benefits of SEO to Small Businesses

importance of SEO for small business Contrary to popular belief, SEO is very important to businesses of all sizes. Whether you operate a large company or a business with just five employees, local SEO is an excellent marketing tool. If done properly, it can help a business achieve incredible success on the internet.

Increased Traffic to Website

When a local SEO marketing campaign is done properly, the website it was created for will see an increase in traffic. The website can be a company site or a blog. In all aspects of an SEO campaign, there needs to be content involved. The majority of the content is textual, with some videos and audio files strewn in here and there.

Increase of Paying Customers

With any good small business SEO campaign, the goal is to increase the amount of paying customers that visit your company’s website. You don’t want people just visiting the site, browsing around, and then leaving without making a purchase. You want these visitors to purchase the products or services offered on the site.

Social Buttons Can Add Traffic

When you post a blog, it should have social media buttons on it. These buttons should be a Facebook ‘like’ button, a share button for Twitter, an email button and any other media buttons you like. By having these buttons in each post, you are increasing the likelihood that you will acquire more traffic for the website.

Using Google Alerts Helps

If you are going to create an SEO campaign yourself, it is best to use Google Alerts. Set up various alerts to figure out how people search for your company or website. This will allow you to focus on specific keywords or phrases for the small business SEO campaign. Also create an account with Google Adwords to find out what the most common search phrases are for your industry. You can then use them in regular blog posts and as meta tags on your company website.

An Increase in Sales

Once you have established your local SEO campaign, you will hopefully begin to see an increase in sales. These sales could come through the website, over the phone or at your store, should you have one. Just because you have an increased amount of website traffic, it does not mean that those numbers will correlate to sales. You need to entice your visitors into purchasing the products and services offered by the company.

Small Business SEO Tips

Some of the most important tips for an excellent SEO campaign include using fresh content and doing research. The website or blog needs to be updated at least once per week. If you can find a way to update it daily, or multiple times per day, then you will be putting yourself ahead of the game.

The research involved is keyword research. You need to figure out what search terms are being used by customers who need your products and services. When you figure out the keywords being used, you will be able to implement them in the campaign.