Email Marketing, Used Effectively Can Boost Your SEO Results

Email Marketing, Used Effectively Can Boost Your SEO ResultsBelieve it or not, email marketing, used effectively can boost your results in the search engines and should be considered a vital part of your SEO campaigns and finding the right SEO company.

One might think that SE’s don’t post emails as part of their rankings but that’s not what we’re driving at.  The key point here is that emails can be used to drive people to your websites and blogs so that your rankings improve from the traffic alone.  In order to do this there are some basic strategies one can follow that aren’t that difficult to grasp nor perform.

First of all, your emails go out from several actions.  Either someone went to your blog or site and clicked the email link, or the people are part of your email list.  Other sources are advertisements that prominently shows your email link.  Once you’ve got them in your email corral the trick is to drive them to the resources that will boost your SE presence.  There are several ways to do this and one can figure out other ways as well.  One primary way is to get the email to have a link or promo that points the reader to a page, blog, social networking fan page, where their action can multiply.  If it’s social networking you’ll want content that they’ll “like” and “share”.  You’ll need to make the content entertaining and engaging.  You want those emails to get your content circulating at its highest level.  This will get more links to your content and that means more SEO efficiency.

More use of subscriptions is a major plus.  Here’s why.  Don’t waste email space.  If you’ve got people subscribed to your newsletter then you should come up with ways for them to subscribe to another service you offer and not to underestimate RSS.  You might have your regular email list but then add a bonus email list where people can get offers they would normally not get access to.  This option will have present subscribers and new subscribers signing up.  Those email lists have to point to your websites, blogs, social networking pages.  All this will lead to “movement” meaning your emails won’t jus tsit there.  People will forward a good email to friends and even BCC them to hundreds if not thousands of them.  You could go viral and not even know it.  As these people post about your products and sites, that data gets picked up by the SE’s and you get a boost in rankings.

Engaging and innovation is the next step.  Get people to comment, share, your emails and add such options to the emails and newsletters.  A newsletter can then be posted online with a section where people can comment.  That means your email/newsletter can act as a stand alone product on the web with all the links and tricks to get people to engage in the content and share or link to.  This is like free advertising to the ultimate degree.  If you have that dazzling product or amazing service, this can turn into a windfall and allow you to expand.

Image source: frameangel / 123RF Stock Photo