Being Secure About WordPress Security

Being Secure About WordPress SecurityWordPress is about as essential a tool you can have that can make your website dynamic and top of the line.  That being said, you don’t want your SEO damaged by a hacking event on your WordPress software that can damage your rankings with the search engines.

Generally, the way security is done with a WordPress site is about the same with a regular site, however, because WordPress is more specialized it takes some extra care and digital wizardry on your part or your webmaster’s part to make sure things are as secure as possible.

First of all, don’t go with a  cheap webhosting company.  You get what you pay for.  A cheap host that doesn’t provide the right amount of security is only one hacking attempt away from causing you immeasurable damage to the point of costing lots of money and time to repair.  Check the rankings of the webhosting companies around and pay special attention to the security options.  Call and ask, check the message boards for customers who praise their service.  This fundamental step will give you a foundation on which to stand on.

Don’t use easy to figure out ursernames and passwords.  Some people still are too incompetent or lazy or disorganized to comeup with usernames and passwords that are sound.  First of all don’t use usernames like owner, webmaster, administrator.  Don’t use passwords like password or drowssap or your site’s name like mysite.  The hackers have tools that will search for these knowing that huge number of people have a hard time remembering their passwords and will use the simplest things thus opening themselves to hacking.

Shorten the number of log in attempts.  This is how you prevent brute force attacks whereby hackers will try to log in multiple times.  Once they hit that “no more log in attempts” warning, they’ll back off as it is too time consuming and energy wasting.  They’ll go on to fresher waters.

Update, update, update.  WordPress is constantly being updated with newer versions that have the latest protections.  Updating your site is very important as other plug ins and software work in tandem with these updates.  Some webhosting companies have auto updating and some have manual.  If it’s too much for you go with the auto updating and save yourself a lot of stress.  Update those plugins and themes too.  As a matter of fact only get free themes from reputable sites.  That’s because some free themes are created by unscrupulous people who have your worst intentions at heart.  It doesn’t cost much to buy a theme either.  For those of you hearty enough, design your own.

Other tactics include disabling the file editing function via the dashboard.  As a default, WordPress users would normally go to Appearance>Editor to change the look of the site.  If hackers break through, you’ll find your site with any number of possible appearances and some not so happy if you’re a religious person or local or international celebrity of some note.

Use plugins that afford for more WordPress security.  There are some very reputable and dependable companies that provide security plugins for WordPress.  Fans will know all about them and you can learn about them from the official WordPress site or from the respected WordPress forums.

Finally, backup, backup, backup.  Backup your data very frequently.  This is so that in case of a hack, you can recover your files and start fresh.  Your webhost might have automatic backup but it’s still a good idea to have your own.

Overall, these simple steps can provide much needed security for your WordPress security website.

Contact Affordable SEO company at 727-938-8891 for quotes on making your WordPress website very secure.