With the future rolling on top of the SEO industry, it’s time for experts and customers to really take note as to what to watch out for in the near future. It’s an issue of what does work, what has worked and what is expected to be the next trends in technologies and tactics. To look at things overall, it appears that the old tried and true and mastering the skills of what will be needed.
First of all, one needs to go back to basics. That means a careful analysis of what your sites look like especially each and ever web page. This is important for multiple reasons. First, Google indexes web pages, not just websites. Each web page has to be optimized in the right SEO way. Now, SEO changes and not knowing what works will land you in deep trouble. Things are getting more technical regarding SEO with new software algorithms that scour your web pages for the slightest error. Should an error be found, you had better repair it quick. This includes spelling, grammar, design, load time, titles, and tags. Contact information should be o every web page in a prominent position. This gives you a framework, a skeleton so to speak of what to build upon. If done solidly and competently, your battle is half over.
Next is to look at the latest tools available for optimizing your site and integrating it with social media, mobile, and the latest Google algorithm rules. Google doesn’t divulge it, but you’ll get the gist of what they’re looking for via the limitations of the tools they provide for free. Google has keyword research software, mobile optimizations software and more. They constantly update their software without announcement and this is why you must be ever vigilant and check your stats regularly. Another thing that you must watch for is that Google’s artificial intelligence software is getting scarier by the day. The reason is because Google wants to rid the search engine results of spam and unscrupulous ne’er-do-wells. This now brings us to the next mot important fundamental process and that’s content.
Your content cannot be a bunch of keyword-stuffed articles and blog posts. Google will slam you to the floor if you try it. Same goes for link building. Stuffing your content with links is not only stupid but hazardous. Google wants their surfers to get value. Your site has to have the original and in-depth helpful data that makes surfers feel safe, satisfied and willing to interact. Their search algorithms will see if your site’s content is being referenced to and linked to by the common Joe and Jane on a regular basis. They want to see people benefiting from your content, not just shuffled off to some landing page or sales page. This where social media comes in. A site’s content can go viral multiple times if it delivers service content that enhances people’s lives. If surfers like your web page and brand name enough, there will be fans and success posts about what you provide. This is like striking gold as it will be sending much sought after organic, targeted traffic that leads to conversions and retention. If that is achieved, you will zoom up the search engine result sand you had better be ready to capitalize on it 24/7.
Finally, content marketing with the future in mind. If you’re selling products that everyone else is, then your competition quotient will be high. You need to look for products and services that no one or just a few have. That takes skills, but when you do find something, you have to jump on it right away and build content around it, stash it online and wait to see what happens. This is like saving money in the mattress. It will be there and when that product or service or brand name blows up, you’ll have been established a presence before anyone else and a platform for domination.
The bottom line here is to keep your head to the future but grounded in solid tried and true methods of the now. You’ll not be caught by surprise and you’ll have marketing content ready to go at a snap.
Image Credit : rawpixel