Every business using the web to get ahead needs to have mastery over PPC and SEO. Too often the mistake is that the marketing teams hired by the business don’t make a meld of both practices and much is lost in efficiency and progress. This is something that has to be addressed immediately and the rewards of doing so will show up in the short and long term. To neglect so, means losses in revenue and organic traffic thus allowing for competitors to gain the high ground.
PPC, like SEO takes special skills. Today’s tools for maximizing keywords and so on are sometimes o complex that people forget that they have to incorporate the PPC data into other venues. This makes for confusion and a conflict in data that the search engines gather from your site and you lose a valuable cohesion that could lead to optimum results overall. Look at it this way, if the defense of sports team doesn’t share data with the offense then there’s no overall strategies for the team to work with. They end up doing things that are in direct conflict with one another or omit the key data necessary for both sides to win by rising to the top of the SERPs. It really is a major challenge because lots of research has to be done on a regular basis, search engine technologies keep changing and updating, market trends, proprietary strategies are just a few of the elements at play and it’s no easy task to say the least.
Companies have to make sure their PPC and SEO teams are in sync with one another. All are aware of each others efforts, data gathered, tools, and strategies so that the shared data can be seamlessly incorporated into one another’s projects. This is especially important regarding keywords, keyphrases, keygroups, results of all efforts, changes in industry news, and more. Joe from the PPC team should be able to get info from Martha on the SEO team in seconds, not after days of meetings and other nonsense. This shouldn’t be an interdepartmental competition but an effort, a team effort that ensures all content, from copy to video, makes each and every webpage sing out with the proper information the search engines are looking for. Errors cannot be allowed. Time must be given by management to do all the fundamental work without interference.
Budget. All PPC campaigns are going to cost some money. The costs get lowered by doing proper research and application. It’s not a matter of tossing around keywords and then hoping for the best. It’s about a hard nosed approach that one can monitor, maintenance, improve upon and be able to analyze for performance in an instance. Analyze everything and then set your budgetary goals and monitor. If done right you’ll see results that are equitable in several ways.
The benefit of this is that in the short term you’ll be able to see changes for the better thus allowing for the proper tweaking that will then maximize even more profitable strategies.
So the bottom line is study and apply and do not under any circumstances try to keep your PPC and SEO teams out of touch of one another. This isn’t a game. It’s s team effort however and the game that should be played is cooperation. When the statistics are checked at the end of the day, week, month, you’ll clearly see what efforts have paid off and what have not. What you’re looking for first is increase in revenue, increase in targeted organic traffic, increase in interaction across social media platforms and so on. You want people realizing it’s comfortable and safe to click those PPC links and that they’ll tell others who will tell others and so on on and so on. This is all a growth process, it’s not going to happen overnight but what can happen overnight is a team that is ready to work together and not in confusion which is leadership that leads to profit.