Hopefully, you’ve already established an SEO budget that will help you reach your 2018 goals. This is an important part of running a business today if you want to stay ahead of your competition. However, this is also difficult to do today when you think about all the changes in SEO norms, strategies, and requirements.
Reviewing Your Company’s SEO Goals and Setting New Ones for the Year
The first thing you’ll want to do is review what you did in 2017 and how it helped your business. This will serve as a template for your 2018 SEO budget. For instance, if you had good results in 2017, you may not need to increase your budget this year. However, if you feel as though you didn’t spend your money wisely, you’ll want to consider refocusing your money this year.
You’ll also want to establish some new goals for 2018. Determine what you want to add to your budget to spend in these areas by looking at what you spent on these things last year and increasing it a small amount. However, if you want to outrank your competition, you’ll need your budget to be a bit more fluid.
The Importance of Content Production
Once you’ve set aside the money you need for your SEO budget you need to allocate this money to specific areas. This helps you maximize your performance so you can get closer to obtaining your goals.
Content will remain king in 2018. With this in mind, here’s how you’ll want to divide your spending this year:
• Quality and originality are the only way to stand out when you create content for your audience.
• Experts believe that by 2021 82% of web traffic will be looking for videos. If you want to stay relevant to your audience, you need to spend some money on this.
• Viral content rarely happens, which is why you need to pay for content promotion through social media, press releases, and making sure everything that’s written is SEO enhanced.
• All of your content needs to be available for mobile audiences too since mobile traffic has overtaken desktop traffic.
• Voice considerations are vital because voice searches have grown exponentially since 2008. This SEO is complex because of the uniqueness involved with human communication.
• Local SEO is highly targeted today. Any locally relevant business can’t afford to overlook this marketing today.
• Understanding your audience requires in-depth market research. However, audiences demand this today. They’re now demanding personalized, highly targeted content.
Making Your SEO Budget Work for You
Your SEO budget should include at least a few thousand dollars per month – even if you have a small business. This will get you the high-quality content you need to stay competitive. Keep in mind that one of the biggest variables in your success here isn’t related to how much money you have available for spending. It’s related to how you spend your money instead. For instance, wasting $1,000 on low-quality content and obsolete strategies is a waste, but the same money spent on high-quality content will make a huge difference.
With all of this in mind, it’s safe to say that we all know that setting goals are the easy part. It’s the follow-through that so many of us actually struggle with. This is especially true when you have a strict SEO budget you need to follow. However, our company’s 20+ years of experience have helped us know how to make all of this work for your business. This is why we invite you to contact Affordable SEO Company today.