How Low-Hanging Keywords Can Improve Organic Traffic To Your Website

Dominating search results for important terms related to your business is often the primary goal today. Developing a keyword list and integrating them in articles is what most businesses and marketing organizations do. They track rankings of a website for those terms to evaluate the kind of leads they are generating. Both marketers and businesses …

Common SEO Mistakes And Ways To Rectify Them

The use of newer automated tools is making website automation for search engines easier than ever before. However, several common SEO mistakes are overlooked by the SEO services managing the various technologies as they seek to make sure that they are delivering the required results and boosting the SERP ranking of different businesses. It doesn’t …

4 Best SEO Tips For An Emerging Economy

Constant changes related to Search are essentially for benefit of the advertisers. As per Google’s Investor Relations page, 81% of their $55,314 came from advertisers in the first quarter this year. Hence, it’s evident that Google pays special importance to its advertiser’s needs. Two main methods that deliver products and services to targeted customers and …

Geofencing With Facebook, Google, And Instagram

Geofencing is a term used while using RFID or GPS technology for the creation of virtual geographic boundaries. It enables the software to trigger a response if any mobile device enters or exits a specific area. In terms of advertising, it is the targeted advertising for the users in a particular geographical area. Geofencing permits …