Why you Should Focus Your SEO on Brand Building

Google has always given big brands preferential treatment including better rankings with fewer links. However, small brands don’t get these same benefits. Although this has been going on for a while now, it’s only accelerating and becoming more pronounced – to the point that building a brand should be your main focus online today. Then …

5 Ways to get SEO Traffic Flowing to Your law Firm Soon

Far too many law firm websites are committing bad SEO today. Whether it’s because you haven’t built any links, added any content, or your website is riddled with broken links and redirects, this causes problems with your lawyer SEO that results in a lack of traffic due to poor organic search visibility. Don’t sit around …

How to use SEO to Improve Your Conversion Rates

SEO optimization and website conversion rate optimization are at war today as experts strive to make the two disciplines strive to make them work together. The main difference is that the first discipline is geared towards the search engines while the other is geared towards higher conversions. Very few sites can successfully combine both into …

New Innovations in SEO

For the past two decades, search engine optimization (SEO) has held its own as a niche in the online marketing community. However, many people would argue that this part of internet marketing remains stagnant. While there are a lot of Google updates occurring and new software platforms entering the scene the basic strategies remain similar …