Reasons Why Small Businesses Are Moving To Tampa

Since the year 2010 more than 400 small businesses have decided to move to Tampa, Florida. This has resulted in the creation of more than 30,000 jobs since and has brought in more than $2 billion in capital investment. Large businesses are also moving to Tampa such as Amazon, DTCC, Bristol Myers Squibb, Coca-Cola, Progressive, …

Joining The SEO Possibilities Of Co-citation And Co-occurrence

As all SEO professionals are trying to figure out the Google algorithms and become proactive in terms of marketing strategies, you need to ensure that you are not falling victim to some buzzwords. Let’s understand the meaning of co-citation, co-occurrence, and how they are different. We will also see whether to use these strategies for …

Tips For Building A Strong SEO Campaign During Coronavirus Pandemic

We are three and a half months into the year 2020 and coronavirus pandemic has disrupted pretty much all facets of our lives. Significant changes are required in the daily lives of people to adapt to the changing environment. For businesses trying to position well during the period of uncertainty, it will be worth revising …

Adapting Your SEO 2020 Strategy For Coronavirus Situation

Coronavirus has managed to disrupt nearly all facets of everyone’s lives as the first quarter of 2020 comes to a close. People are forced to make major changes to their everyday lives for adapting to the new normal. Businesses are bracing themselves for the negative economic impact which will occur with people changing their habits …

Effect Of Coronavirus Outbreak On Internet Marketing

The Coronavirus outbreak might put a damper on the year which was forecast to visualize bigger media investments and has brought to the forefront realities that are unique to the internet marketing world. The coronavirus is spreading quickly around the world and it is unsettling the stock markets with several operational disruptions to various industries …