Are SEO Experts Any Closer to Understanding The Google Panda Update

It is several months since the Google Panda update and still people can’t agree what the changes mean. Does it mean a new type of SEO and that everything done to date is wasted? Or, as many think, does it mean that quality content, that the best SEO experts have always recommended, is now absolutely …

Why you are suffering the Google Sandbox effect and how to get out

There are a couple of ways Google can ruin your visitor numbers and potentially ruin your business. These are a new algorithm and the sandbox effect, either can completely remove your links but is unlikely to do this and  may just negatively effect your rankings. With an algorithm change the way Google ranks all sites …

Asking Google to Reconsider for Your Website Gets Easier

According to Google Webmaster Central Blog, if your website can not be found in organic search results or perhaps is not performing as good as it’s used to then you can now request Google to reconsider your website. Google has worked for a couple of years to improve the reconsideration process and now reconsideration request …

Small Business Should Use SEO To Be Competitive In A Down Economy

We’ve all been told the saying surviving of the fittest; this doesn’t only work with fitness although it’s surviving for anyone who actually does something beneficial to clients better than everyone else, operating a business it really is at any rate. For a small business it can appear difficult to take on larger competition and …